關鍵時刻 20110415 末日餘生x開膛手x黃道帶殺手 2/8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLC58JSr3TY&NR=1 At 01:25/12:44"因此CNN.Jean.Ten.Joe.Yo.1.Goo 有巢氏房屋d.Tall.Tyao.Swall CNN is a biggest world wide lie, too 新成屋l the name of News to commit the heaviest crime of lie for Ameircan werewolve 室內裝潢s around the world. If you sucking Taiwan media must have to rely one "CNN.Swall" to make li seoving, all you sucking Taiwanese media should rather die than live. Had CNN had not a lie, then, any one of them should know h 烤肉食材ow to question USA instead of blaming Japan; you sucking shameless brainless immoral USA dare appoint your biggest liar Hillary Clinton to r 烤肉epresent your sucking USA to act like a King, how dare you expect anyone who can have brain cell to place any bit trust on you sucking shameless cold cold hard lie. G2000 Had Japan had indeed follow CNN and USA lie, Japan must have had been worse than today.Shame on you sucking U.S.Military, dare kill so many most innocent people in Afghan, dare threw nuclear bom 售屋網b to Japan, yet dare not kill (You dare show up on stage and/or in front of TV screen to talk, you must make sure that you have no problem to die for your own voice, not mention you make money and/or make liv 房屋買賣ing at your sucking talk.) your own sucking USA cold cold hard criminal liar Hillary Clinton and CNN.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 會場佈置  .

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